Best outcomes for mothers through pregnancy and birthing

A recent report circulated by the National Association of Specialist Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (NASOG) exposes some alarming birthing statistics. 

  • There is more demand for obstetrics than there is supply.
  • Queensland has a lower than national average private health coverage.
  • Despite falling birth rates, the costs associated with providing obstetrics have increased.
  • Most sadly, the perinatal death rate in Queensland continues to rise above the national average from 2018 to 2022 and is now 1.1%
  • Different models of care (e.g. public vs private) have measurable differences in risk of harm to mothers and babies.

The report is geared toward encouraging private hospital services to be the main provider of obstetrics and gynaecological care, and its data is drawn predominantly from Queensland.

Recently One Nation released its Queensland Health policy (here) and it contains the following statement:

Improving maternal care

Expecting mothers and families need—and deserve – the opportunity to deliver new babies close to home in their own communities. One Nation will improve maternal health care in Queensland by:

  • guaranteeing access to obstetric care in local communities; and
  • establishing and supporting obstetric facilities and practitioners in under-serviced areas, with a focus on community-based care and preventative health.

Any health policy focused on the care of mothers and their newborn children must address the alarming increase in child mortality rates, as shown by this report by the NASOG.

It is indisputable that women must have access to high quality, local care when pregnant and through the birthing process. Having access to localised care will positively affect birth outcomes.

One Nation has a policy, and a plan, to make this happen. We are alarmed that the Federal Government can manage to source many thousands of new Uber drivers to immigrate each week but can’t find enough doctors to help regional mothers with their birthing needs. It is a trend One Nation seeks to reverse.