Ease housing crisis. Ease immigration

Many Aussie families with children are homeless and will continue to be, while immigration levels remain high according to all media outlets, including ABC News.

The time has come to drastically cut our immigration levels, put a break on inflation, and reduce the rising costs of buying or renting a home.

Labor promised in their budget papers for 2022 that only 235,000 immigrants would be allowed into the country. This immigration promise was broken, and now we are facing an influx of 400,000 this year.

Predictions are we will climb to 600,000 immigrants imminently.

It is now time for a mass movement of people to oppose this mass migration scheme. A movement that opposes the housing crisis and demands a better and just outcome for all Australians.

The Labor Party has disputed the immigration reality by issuing a ‘fact check’ through their local branch of the ABC.  One Nation affirms that the published government figures in budget papers on proposed migration constitute a ‘promise’.



To the Honourable President and Members of the Senate in Parliament assembled

The petition of the undersigned shows:

Immigration is the primary driver of Australia's housing crisis, and as such must be reduced to a level where arrivals equal those leaving Australia so there is no net increase to our population. Immigration is also driving higher the price of all products and services. Immigration is certainly causing issues in our cities, regional centres and towns as already inadequate infrastructure is being placed under increased burden. We call on the Senate to take all steps to reduce the burden Australia is carrying from an engorged and unnecessarily high immigration rate. 


1,918 signature
Goal: 10000 signature

Will you sign?