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Farmers Drive On Canberra For A Better Deal
After two years of being under direct attack by the Albanese Labor government, Australia’s farmers have had enough.
People always fear what they don’t understand, and Labor has never understood farming. Labor MPs—many of whom have never even seen a farm—have launched an undeclared war on our world-leading food producers.
From banning live sheep exports to taking away irrigators’ water and forcing unionisation on the rural workforce, the war has been launched on multiple fronts, and our farmers are reeling under the attack.
This week they fought back, coming to the national capital in their thousands from all over the nation, gathering on the lawns in front of Parliament House, and demanding support for an industry that has been a mainstay of Australia’s economy for two centuries.
One Nation is backing our farmers all the way. We’ll wind back the industrial relations legislation that will force higher farm labour costs and union membership on a sector that has always resisted it. We’ll restore balance to the Murray Darling Basin Plan. We’ll repeal the ban on live sheep exports. And we’ll always work to protect our world-leading farmers from the predations of the cult of climate change.
Pauline Hanson took to the stage at the rally on Tuesday, delivering a heartfelt and fiery speech that was met with loud cheers of approval. From getting the code of conduct in place for canegrowers to fighting for a fairer deal for dairy farmers and protecting the Great Artesian Basin, Pauline has a lot of runs on the board, and Australia’s farmers have not forgotten her efforts.
Her message to farmers was clear: don’t give up, never stop fighting. One Nation will never stop fighting for Australia’s farmers.
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