Keep Australia One Nation - Say No To A Third Tier Of Government

The Voice to Parliament is a divisive and racist campaign being wagered by Labor, and the Greens who are calling for specific recognition of indigenous people in the Australian Constitution and legislating a third tier of parliament called, ‘Voice to Parliament.

One Nation will oppose the introduction of a ‘Voice to Parliament. But will Scott Morrison guarantee the Liberals will too?

Can you be sure Liberal MPs won’t support this Labor/Greens plan and cross the floor?

Australia belongs to every Australian equally.

Indigenous people, the early convicts and settlers, and the many migrants who came here from all over the world have all contributed to the great success story that is Australia.

It is time for quiet Australians to speak up and let the parliament know that they do not support this nation being divided along racial lines.

Sign this petition and let all political parties know that you support keeping Australia One Nation and will be saying no to a third tier of Government

Read Senator Hanson’s full statement on why One Nation will be opposing the Labor/Greens flawed plan for an “indigenous voice to parliament”

4,310 signature
Goal: 10000 signature

Will you sign?