One Nation Calls for Pandemic Royal Commission

Australians impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic must be able to tell their stories.

One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson said while the Prime Minister’s commitment to a Royal Commission into the pandemic was welcome, she saw no reason for a delay in starting the inquiry.

“I’m delighted the Prime Minister sees the logic in One Nation’s demand for a Royal Commission into the pandemic,” Senator Hanson said. “This is an unprecedented event which has disrupted the lives of everyone in Australia.

“We may still be dealing with COVID-19, but that’s not a legitimate reason for kicking the Royal Commission can down the road. After almost two and a half years of this wretched pandemic there is plenty of evidence for a Royal Commission to look at right now.

“One Nation was the only party which committed to a pandemic Royal Commission at the election, and we have not been idle in the meantime. We will offer a preliminary draft of the Royal Commission’s terms of reference on our website for comment in early September.

“These will focus on impacts on the economy, government accountability and transparency, systemic issues, legislation and policy, public trust, human rights, the role of the media, the role of international bodies and agencies, and the response of the private sector – all issues are on the table.

“The world will be watching, so this must be a comprehensive and completely public inquiry which examines every aspect of how the pandemic was managed. We must be able to review the expert advice which was used to justify pandemic measures which caused so much disruption and pain across the nation.

“It’s imperative Australians’ experiences of the pandemic are heard. This Royal Commission must give Australians the opportunity to tell their stories. It’s time for the truth.

“We should be under no illusions this will be a long and sometimes difficult process. It’s one of the reasons we should get started on it right now. The Prime Minister does no service to the Australian people by delaying it.”