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Partial Backdown on Mandates from QLD Premier
QLD Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk has just announced a partial backdown on jab mandates in Queensland.
It is being reported that "From 1:00am on April 14 the majority of venues will not require proof of vaccination to be granted entry.
"Pubs, cafes, restaurants, theme parks, casinos, cinemas, weddings, showgrounds, galleries, libraries, museums and stadiums will not have vaccine mandates in place."
Unfortunately, it seems that Queenslanders working in industries the Premier deems high risk will still face restrictions and/or mandates.
"These include hospitals, aged and disability care, prisons, schools, and early childhood centers."
While this is a major achievement for everyone who has been fighting to wind back mandates and restrictions there is still much work to be done and many questions to be answered.
I and the entire One Nation team are proud of the work we have done but we haven't done it alone. I'd like to thank the more than 200,000 Aussies who signed the One Nation petition against vaccine mandates and the more than 40,000 Aussies who have signed the One Nation petition calling for an investigation into this pandemic.
It is through continued pressure, both in parliament and in our communities that we have been able to begin the process of restoring our freedoms and removing these draconian mandates.
Thank you for your help and support. If we keep fighting this together I am confident we will win!
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