Pauline Hanson Thanks Our Volunteers

Senator Pauline Hanson invites our hard-working volunteers to the Royal Hotel Harrisville where we are holding a thank you day for all our local volunteers. This event is for people that have helped our party in the past, and is a day for our leader to say thanks to all the people that have assisted us. 

Volunteers are the backbone of any organisation. Without your support and continued contribution, our organisation wouldn’t be able to achieve what it does.

Our day is planned as a networking event, where people with similar interests and communities can come together, mingle and chat with Pauline about what’s important to our movement.  

Tea, coffee and food will be offered. The venue has a cash bar. 






June 17, 2023 at 11:00am - 12:30pm


The Royal Hotel Harrisville
1 Wholey Dr
Harrisville , QLD 4307
Google map and directions


Front Desk - One Nation HQ · · 1300 857 466


Daryll Kelly Kim Spencer Aaron Ewart Steven Boyd Craig Fergus Pauline O'Brien Wise Alexander Mallinson Samantha Andrews Tracey Love Alan Gainey Gordon Watts Tracey & Paul Henselin Richard Edwards Don Clarke Brian Nash Suzi Hill Dell Rolfe Troy Ellis Heinz Thannheiser Lynne De Groot C Baron Paul Mullenmeister Wendy Groves Ray Watterson Julie Wilkinson Ron Webb Kevin Evans David French-St George Brenda Holland Esther Jane Routley Ken Russell

Will you come?