Letter To Our Leaders: Cut Fuel Excise Tax


18,522 signature
Goal: 20000 signature
Dear Prime Minister,

One Nation has committed to supporting a 50% reduction in excise tax on petrol and diesel in Australia for the next twelve months, today I am asking for you to do the same.

The household budgets of everyday Australians cannot support petrol prices as they burst through the $2.00 a litre mark. These prices will hurt families, lift the price on farming and freight - which will increase the weekly grocery bill.

Australians are being ruthlessly gouged by global oil prices and Federal Government imposed Excise Tax which is currently set at $0.442 cents for every litre of fuel purchased.

Budget papers show Australian motorists will pay $49.3 billion in net fuel excise over the next four years.

For the average Australian household, this year’s fuel excise bill will cost over $1000.

With one simple move, your government can pass on roughly $6 billion in targeted tax relief over the next year.

Australians have been hit by COVID-19 lockdowns and mandates, fire and flood, and now surging cost of living prices driven by global conflicts outside of their control.

I, along with many thousands of Australians, implore you to consider this suggestion and help ease the financial burden on the millions of Australians struggling to make ends meet in these difficult times.

We look forward to hearing your reply.


Yours faithfully,

Senator Pauline Hanson

One Nation Leader

Senator For Queensland

The week before federal parliament resumes for the budget sitting, copies of this letter will be sent to Prime Minister Scott Morrison, Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce and Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese along with a tally of the number of Australians who have co-signed to show their support.

When it comes to petrol prices Aussies are under the pump.

That is why One Nation has committed to a 50% reduction in excise tax on petrol and diesel in Australia and why we are calling on the major parties to do the same.

It is time to cut taxes where it counts, boost business and ease the pain of everyday Aussies!

Will you sign?