Keep South Australia One - Say No to SA’s First Nations Voice Bill

To the Honourable the President and Members of the Legislative Council in this present Parliament assembled -

The humble Petition of the undersigned residents of South Australia respectfully showeth:-

That the South Australian Government plans to introduce the First Nations Voice Bill 2022 – legislation based on race that will divide South Australians.

That the ‘Voice’ is a distraction from real issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and is not based on need but on the colour of your skin. It will divert time and resources from delivering tangible solutions to problems that we already know exist. And that-

Parliament should represent each and every South Australian and its focus should not be on creating another bureaucracy with special privileges for a few. It is unfair, unjust and, despite good intentions, will further segregate our community and risk increasing racism.

I therefore request that your Honourable House will not support the passage of SA’s First Nations Voice Bill 2022.

1,335 signatures

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