Senator Pauline Hanson standing up for Tasmania

Join us for a night where we discuss the decisions that will shape the future of Tasmania. Senator Hanson will unveil groundbreaking initiatives and developments that will have a lasting impact on the Island State. Whether you're a local resident, business owner, or someone with a keen interest in Tasmania's growth and prosperity, this frank conversation will provide vital information and opportunities for everyone.



September 06, 2024 at 6:00pm - 8pm


Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania
15 Marieville Espl
Sandy Bay, TAS 7005
Google map and directions


Martin Voss Philip Adams Tash Martin Juliette Wimmer Chris Mitchell Kathlern Millhouse Caleb Muggeridge Samuel Adams wayne anema Tamara Walton Mark Schuettpelz Esther Baauw Bronwyn Walker Rohan Kapila Gail Sorbian Rob Haas Darren Wright Mark Trueman Fiona Witcomb Jamie Taws Grant Jackson David Johnston Alex Johnston Kimberly Elford Anna Thomason Luke Lamprey Rachel Clune Elizabeth Caballero Lisa Harding Kylie Berry Gabrielle Quilliam Teena Hanslow Paul Radford Kate Power Andrew Sargent Daniel Green Tamara Rosevear Margaret Thornton David Rainer Richard Carter Monica Ditter Kath Williams Anthony Sackley Yang Liu Michael Freeman Craig Dawes Frank Nielsen Marshall Callaghan

Will you come?