Who Pays the Price?

Who pays the price for this Libor betrayal of Aussie industry & jobs?

Check out this timeline...

1975 - Whitlam Labor federal govt signs UN Lima Declaration

1976 - Fraser Liberal-National federal govt ratifies UN Lima Declaration. John Howard treasurer

Together over the following decades the Libor parties gut Aussie manufacturing and send it to China

1992 - Keating Labor govt signs UN Rio Declaration.

Howard-Anderson Liberal-National govt implements it vigorously 1996-2007

1996 - Howard-Anderson Liberal-National publicly commit to implementing UN Kyoto Protocol gutting our electricity sector taking us from world’s cheapest electricity and making us most expensive.

Howard-Anderson steal farmers’ property rights to comply with UN policy

2015 - Abbott LNP govt commits to UN Paris Agreement.

Turnbull-Hunt ratify UN Paris destruction of electricity sector.

Higher electricity prices gut manufacturing and make us dependent on China

Australian independence & sovereignty lost.


1953 Menzies Liberal govt enacts legislation enabling foreign companies to not pay company tax. Gives foreigners huge profit advantage over Austrslian companies

1983 - Hawke Labor govt enacts PRRT tax bill that enables foreign companies to never pay tax on massive northwest shelf gas exports

Many more examples.

Who pays the price for this Libor betrayal of Aussie industry & jobs?

We the people.

At the election, put the majors last

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